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Jamie Bates
May 24, 20184 min read
The Day I Understood What Perpetrating Wrongness Meant
As a mom, that was never my intent. I definitely wasn't trying to make her wrong, but I absolutely did that often.
Jamie Bates
Apr 12, 20182 min read
It’s Your Universe, You Get To Decide
If life is not going as planned, you have the power to change it. So often we loop in the upset. We focus on the problem
Jamie Bates
Mar 8, 20181 min read
When You Want To Change But You’re Attached To Who You Have Been
Its hard to break the patterns that keep you looping in who you were. The guilt, the upset over past choices, feeling bad about things
Jamie Bates
Feb 25, 20172 min read
Go Before You Are Ready
Go before you are ready. Now is the time for the creators of the world to go before they are ready. Before the time is perfect.
Jamie Bates
May 19, 20153 min read
If You Woke Up Tomorrow And Everyone You Knew Was Gone, Who Would You Be?
I ask this completely rhetorical question, because I find myself often being someone different in front of different people so often. And no
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