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Jamie Bates
Apr 15, 20222 min read
Navigating The Current Upgrades
Wow are times intense right now. Life is changing so rapidly yet seemly staying the same.... Hold tight my friend. It is changing. You...

Jamie Bates
Mar 27, 20223 min read
Change The Behaviors You Hate
We are moving through a very important time of introspection. Right now the Universe is giving you an opportunity to get real clear about...

Jamie Bates
Oct 31, 20212 min read
Is That Pain Even Yours?
As a child we are taught to internalize EVERYTHING... Seriously everything! Your body is a receiving organism. Always receiving...

Jamie Bates
Oct 24, 20212 min read
Expanding Your Energy System, The What's And Why's Of Energy Expansion.
You may have heard about energy expansion and maybe thinking... what and why? In this article I will break down the what's and why's of...
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Jamie Bates
Oct 1, 20213 min read
Benefits Of Taking A Reiki Course Explained
Have you considered taking a Reiki course but aren't really sure why? Maybe you have experienced the power of Reiki from a practitioner?...

Jamie Bates
Sep 1, 20213 min read
What Is Energy Work? And Why Do I Need It?
Have you found yourself wondering what exactly is energy work and why in the world would I want my energy worked on? Let me break it down...

Jamie Bates
Jun 2, 20212 min read
When You Haven’t Been Allowed To Know... Bringing Balance To Your Third Eye Chakra.
Were you made wrong for knowing too? I remember when I was young and I would point something out that was in my opinion blatantly...

Jamie Bates
May 27, 20212 min read
Why Do I Keep Saying Things I Don't like? How To Stop Perpetuating The Pattern.
Do you say things you don't mean? Do you overshare with those around you even when you don't want too? Do you ever find yourself checking...

Jamie Bates
May 21, 20211 min read
Unhurt Your Heart; Balance Your Heart Chakra To Help Heal Your Life.
Let's face it. You have been through it this lifetime. From heart breaks to let downs you have had your share of upsets this time around....

Jamie Bates
Dec 12, 20202 min read
The Greatest Gift You Can Give To Someone
As we approach the gift giving season I am reminded that there is something we can gift others that creates and expands more than we...

Jamie Bates
Nov 26, 20202 min read
The Freedom Of Clarity
Clarity is the one thing that often lacks for us Empaths. We are so innately aware of everyone and everything that we can easily become...

Jamie Bates
Oct 29, 20204 min read
Navigating Shadow Work Detox
As you release yourself from the polarity of this reality you will experience some detox intensities coupled with amazing awareness....

Jamie Bates
Sep 19, 20203 min read
How Do I Trust Again After Someone Has Hurt Me?
Have you ever trusted someone with your secrets and been let down? Have you ever invested tons of love and time and space into someone...

Jamie Bates
Aug 19, 20204 min read
How Consciousness Clearings Can Heal Your Life
As a consciousness facilitator I am obviously biased in my belief that consciousness clearings can heal your life. I talk about them...

Jamie Bates
Aug 11, 20205 min read
Levels of Consciousness
As I have journeyed through my consciousness expanding my awareness of how this life functions has become so loud and clear. Today I am...

Jamie Bates
Jul 7, 20204 min read
How Do You Know You’re An Empath?
You maybe wondering if you could be an Empath or not? How do you know for sure you are an Empath? Here are some of the most common traits...

Jamie Bates
Jun 18, 20203 min read
Why Do I Feel Guilty All The Time?
If you struggle with feeling guilty all the time, listen up. It's time to change that right now. I totally understand I too used to feel...

Jamie Bates
Jun 11, 20202 min read
Easy Ways To Upgrade Your Life!
It's really easy to get caught in the worry and overwhelm about where you are and how life is showing up. If you desire to change your...

Jamie Bates
May 21, 20201 min read
Always Show Up
If you really want to live an awakened life.... always show up. Stop leaving so many things messy and unaccounted for. Show up for your...

Jamie Bates
May 7, 20204 min read
The Power Of The Present Moment
The present moment is the only moment you have available to you. In order to actually seize the power of the moment you have to be...
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