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Jamie Bates
Jul 27, 20212 min read
Embracing The Lions Gate Portal 2021
We are in a very powerful time of transformation through the remainder of 2021. Right now we are moving through the Lions Gate Portal...

Jamie Bates
May 21, 20211 min read
Unhurt Your Heart; Balance Your Heart Chakra To Help Heal Your Life.
Let's face it. You have been through it this lifetime. From heart breaks to let downs you have had your share of upsets this time around....

Jamie Bates
Dec 12, 20202 min read
The Greatest Gift You Can Give To Someone
As we approach the gift giving season I am reminded that there is something we can gift others that creates and expands more than we...

Jamie Bates
Aug 11, 20205 min read
Levels of Consciousness
As I have journeyed through my consciousness expanding my awareness of how this life functions has become so loud and clear. Today I am...

Jamie Bates
May 7, 20204 min read
The Power Of The Present Moment
The present moment is the only moment you have available to you. In order to actually seize the power of the moment you have to be...

Jamie Bates
Mar 4, 20204 min read
How Form And Structure Creates Your Reality.
Every thought, every concept, everything you have ever determined as right or wrong or good or bad, it all takes up space in your energy,...

Jamie Bates
Feb 26, 20204 min read
How Do You Process Through Feeling Someone Else’s Sadness?
What do you do when you perceive sadness from someone especially a child? As an empath or someone who is energetically sensitive...

Jamie Bates
Dec 11, 20192 min read
Sometimes I’m On Fire And Sometimes I’m Burnt Out.... Navigating The Ebb And Flow Of Life
Stop judging the way you are creating your life. Allow yourself to flow in the creation of who you are. Embrace all the time you have here.

Jamie Bates
Nov 30, 20192 min read
The Healing Power Of Gratitude
Gratitude energy expands everything. It magnifies the energy of what you are being grateful for and creates an easier path for it to show up

Jamie Bates
Jul 18, 20194 min read
10 Ways To Expand Your Ability To Receive Money.
Isn't it time we stop making money wrong and step into the real gift money is? Money is reality changing. It gives room for bigger choices,

Jamie Bates
May 9, 20191 min read
How Learning To Feel Your Truth Can Change Your Life.
What if I make the wrong choice?
What if I fail?
What if I run out of money?
What if I can‘t figure it out?
How will I figure it out?

Jamie Bates
Mar 28, 20196 min read
Encouragement And Choice Give The Greatest P ossibility....
Because you always have a choice. It's the one thing that is always available in all situations. But what you do have to do is stay out of a

Jamie Bates
Mar 14, 20192 min read
Ask And Always Receive.
Ask and you shall receive. It's a universal law.
We are so very lucky to live in a time where we are collectively embracing the laws

Jamie Bates
Jan 24, 20192 min read
Why I Stopped Saying No
When I first started consciousness work, one of the big things I had to work through was my feeling of lack. I literally felt as though I

Jamie Bates
Jan 10, 20192 min read
When You Get That It’s All Just Information
As an infinite being, you’re a full spectrum receiver. You‘re receiving information from everywhere, all the time. Your body is a receiving

Jamie Bates
Dec 27, 20182 min read
End The Figuring It Out
I know the pain of trying to get it right. Trying to make everyone happy. Trying to make sure you make the ”right“ choice. But what if you n

Jamie Bates
Nov 8, 20181 min read
Stop Wishing And Hoping And Start Knowing What's True For You.
Somewhere in this reality, we have decided its scary to know. Like if you knew you would be harboring or uncovering this deep dark scary

Jamie Bates
Oct 13, 20182 min read
Be Aware Of Your Projections
When you project your worry what you’re doing is holding space for that possibility to come true.
There’s either it will or it won’t.

Jamie Bates
Oct 10, 20181 min read
Acknowledge What You Know
Acknowledging allows your body to receive the information it requires so it’s not in resistance to what you know. Stop resisting information

Jamie Bates
Sep 27, 20181 min read
Anything You Desire Is Available To You
Anything you desire is available to you. I know it may not feel that way but its true.
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