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Frequently Asked Questions
Before you jump into learning new tools, you may have lots of questions about the journey. Here is a section of common questions we get as people dive in.
If you have a question you can not find the aswer to, please contact me and ask!
Where should I begin?If you are brand new to Jamie Bates consciousness tools the best place to start is by listening to her podcast, Expand Your Reality. In her podcast, she shares tons of tools and processes that will shift things fast! It's available by searching Expand Your Reality on iTunes, iHeart radio, Stitcher, Spotify, and YouTube. ​ ​
What class would be best for me to start with?This is a tricky question! It really depends on what your end goal is. If you are drawn to a certain course it probably means it has what you require to hear. If you are unsure, you are welcome to contact us and we can assist. ​ ​
What type of things can I expect when beginning my journey?This varies by person and although I can make no claims as effectiveness I can share with you the most common things people experience. Most commonly people first experience a change in the way they feel, generally feeling happier. This is accompanied by lots of awareness. Generally you will start having massive aha moments where you can see clearly what is going on for you personally and how things have been created in your life. Then things fluxuate, old patterns may immerge. The thing to get here is you have TONS of energetic patterning and you are changing it. Unfortunatelty this is a journey not a destination, so there is flux. The more you do, the more you will untangle. This will create more space of you. You have to keep going. Back peddling is normal. You will have times where you will still feel like the old you, but these become less and less the more you do. Hiring a consciousness facilitator is really the fastest and best way to move through your journey. But yet again results vary.
What option would be the best if I want change right now?The best option for change now would be the signiture course, Being the Consicous Empath. This course teaches you the conscious empath tools individually. The individual use of each tool, allows for you to create different patterns in your life. When you learn a new pattern it easily allows things to start changing.
What do I do if I have been doing this work for a while and I feel stuck?In can definitley happen! What you first need to do is ASK SOME QUESTIONS! Then get out of your head. Listen to some audios or clearings. If you can, get someone to help you. You can check out my website to have a session with me or another consciousness facilitator. Do not give up. You are more than likely stuck in something that isn't yours. Get some help or dive in further. Changing your life is a journey not a destination.
How long does it take for lasting change?There is no answer here. Lasting change really depends on how committed you are to practicing the tools. With like any method, the applying of the tools helps to create new awarenesses.The better you are at staying out of your head, the faster change will come. Key to real lasting change is mastering a new way to be.
What is the best program to learn all the tools?The best program to learn all the tools would definitley be Being The Conscious Empath. In Being The Conscious Empath, Jamie teaches each tool and how to use each one.
How long is a coaching program with Jamie Bates?Coaching with Jamie starts at a three month commitment. Jamie has been coaching for years and has found that you must first start the untangle process. Once untangled you begin to find who you are and what works for you. Typically most clients coach with Jamie anywhere from six months to one year. Results may vary.
How much is coaching with Jamie Bates?Coaching starts at eight thousand dollars. These are starting rates depending on what you require. Payment plans are additional and require a down payment with smaller monthly payments.
What can I expect if I do coaching?You can expect to start feeling better about life. Mindset shifting is powerful tool to help you create lasting change. You can expect to feel supported to create lasting change. You can expect that this process will be harder and more worth anything you have ever done before. Although we can not give you more specifics the journey of discovering about your life and your triggers is a rewarding one! Each clients tranformation varies.
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