Acknowledging what you know doesn’t make you a bad person.
Acknowledging what you know gives you space.
Acknowledging what you know gives you awareness of who people are and what people are capable of.
If you see someone and you are aware they are capable of doing harmful things, acknowledge it and move on. Don’t make you wrong for it.
Don‘t say, ”oh you're just being judgemental, you don’t know.” Yes. Yes, you do know. Acknowledge it.
You don’t have to do anything with what you know, just acknowledging it is enough to give you information and awareness you require.
Acknowledging it allows your body to receive the information it requires so it’s not in resistance to what you know.
Stop resisting what you know.
It doesn’t define you as judgmental.
It doesn’t make you less insincere.
It expands you.
It creates freedom.
It allows you to have a choice and a path that works for you.
When you acknowledge what you know you can make an informed decision about what works for you.
Stop making you wrong for what you know.
You are awareness. Choice. Possibility.
#stopthewrongness #noprojections #awareness #youareaware #stopmakingyouwrong #awarenessisfreedom #acknowledgementiskey
About the author
Jamie Bates is a consciousness facilitator, author, podcast host, wife, mother, empath, and energy healer. Jamie's podcast, Expand Your Reality offers a wide variety of tools and healing processes that are also found in her many workshops and online programs. Check them all out at